“…it’s not just talking about what’s wrong, you’ve helped me do something about it too!”

Before I started sessions with you I had about 10 therapy appointments somewhere else and whilst talking things through had helped me know what I needed to do to feel better, I’d often start doing stuff but I was never able to keep to it.

You’ve really helped me make sense of why I struggled to stick to things I wanted to do AND from the sessions I no longer beat myself up for being like that and I’ve been able to approach things differently so I do stick to them!! I’ve loved the structure of the sessions and the fact that it’s not just talking about what’s wrong you’ve helped me do something about it too! - I actually feel like things have already changed for me!

I already feel so much better, Thank you Charlotte!

(Online 1-1 therapy client, 6 sessions)


“Everything makes sense”